Sunday, April 3, 2011

Under the rug

So I was doing some much needed cleaning today and, the phrase "sweeping it under the rug" took on a whole new meaning. 

I was down on my hands and knees wiping the doggie paw prints off my kitchen floor when I saw a small wrapper sticking halfway out from under the rug.  As I wiped underneath to get that one wrapper my rag became covered in more dirt.  I thought maybe there might be just a few more things under there.  I moved the rug and was shocked at my discovery.  Who knew that dirt and fur and rubber bands, and puzzle pieces and Lego's and and and...could all  find their way under one rug???  I was sure, no POSITIVE I had cleaned under that rug over a year ago  just last week. 

So  I swept and cleaned filled a dumpster with the things out from under that rug.  It was then that I started to think and decided to take a break and write about it.

Yea, any excuse to stop cleaning and do something else.  Does writing about cleaning count as an actual chore? 

Anyway, today I started thinking about how I have "swept things under the rug" in my own life.  Some things I did not want to deal with about myself (sweep). Some past hurts that I chose not to address(sweep).  Some behaviors that really needed changing, but I didn't want to face them (sweep).  Attitudes that needed some major adjusting, but the adjusting seemed too difficult and painful a task (sweep).  Those were just a few of the pieces of dirt and gunk in my life that had piled up under the rug.

The thing I noticed yesterday about dirt, items, and gunk that find their way under those rugs is that they  don't clean up after themselves.  They just stay under there until maybe someone steps on a Lego that's underneath, ends up with an indentation in their foot, and decides to clean it all out.  Sometimes the gunk even starts to sneak out from underneath the rug, showing itself  to everyone (rather embarrassing). 

The same is true with the gunk I have swept under the rug in my life.  It  has become quite the pile.  Sometimes I've "stepped" on a thing or two under there and hurt myself.  There have been times that gunk has even crept out from underneath the rug for all the world to see.  My attitude becomes impatient.  I feel a little less compassion for those who have hurt my feelings.  Issues I choose not to deal with create a defeated mindset and keep me from having peace in my life and being a blessing to others.  It is a dirty hot mess under there!

 I think it just may be time I take a good long look at some of those things and determine to allow the Holy Spirit to clean up the mess.  My heart and mind need a little rug shakin' and floor sweepin'. 

Psalm 51:10
 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Guess I'd better fasten my seatbelt.  It just may be a bumpy ride.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Kim, I too can attest to having swept an item or two under life's rug. I agree that it's time to allow the Holy Spirit to do a little "spring cleaning" in my life. The process may be a little rough, but just think how nice it will feel to have a "clean house". You a such a blessing. Thank you for sharing. Cindi

  2. Kim,once again you have Blessed my socks off. I think we are all guilty of "sweeping things under the rug". It is time for the Holy Spirit to clean house on many of us. There seems to be a season for that and it appears to be now.I know I have some "dust bunnies" that need to go.I am at that place that says, Have at it Lord...but please be gentle. I am tired of chasing them from room to room.I want to be able to see him face to face. Thank you for trusting me with your heart. Betty

  3. Thanks ladies for your comments. I truly appreciate the feedback. It's nice to know I'm not the only one with yuckies under the rug :)

  4. Ohh you most certainly are not the only one with yuckies under the rug...smooches to you as you tackle that job. So freeing, a clean house, I always say... xoxo

  5. Thanks Koby for your support! Glad to know I am in good company. Love and hugs to you.
