Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Homeschooling Humor

Homeschooling.  It is more than a movement for some of us.  It is a way of life.  I've heard and read LOTS of arguments on the issue of homeschooling.  Some say it is so much better for the child.  Some say it is so much worse for the child.  I have had conversations with people on both ends of the argument, but I have found that most position themselves somewhere in the middle of things.

I'm not one to waste a lot of my time and energy arguing with people.  If you choose to believe that teaching your own children is wrong, I will not try to convince you otherwise. Nor will I adhere to the belief that ALL children should be home educated.  It is not a choice that will work out favorably for everyone. 

What I WILL say is that homeschooling is our way of life.    I do believe that it is the best choice for our family, and so that is what we do.

I approach homeschooling the children much like I approach the rest of my life, with a good amount of fear, a whole lot of prayer, and a sense of humor.  It is a difficult journey sometimes.  Talk to most homeschooling moms and they will tell you it is not easy.  But most will also tell you they wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Years ago my sister gave me a book by Todd Wilson called Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe.  Anyone reading this blog who needs some encouragement, I highly recommend this book.  Todd Wilson also wrote 4 volumes of The Official Book of Homeschooling Cartoons  that I flip through often when I need a laugh. 

I wanted to share some of those cartoons with you all.  If you are homeschooling your children, chances are you will relate to some of these.  If you are not, you will get a small peek into a world that is different than your own.  In any case I hope these bring a smile to your face.

Oh boy!  I sound like this lady sometimes.

Just last week my son sat at the pediatrician's office and when the Dr. asked what he was learning in school this year he replied "Oh nothing really".  Yup.  It was a proud moment.

One day you may pick up the phone to call me and I will not answer because I will be just like the woman on this page.

Yea, we have these kind of  "school uniforms" too.  It cuts down on laundry that I don't have time to do.

Yes, poor hubby has come home from a hard day at work to a scene similar to this one.

  I'm afraid this is really what's going on in the heads of my children while I drone on and on.  

While it may take me an hour to explain what an adjective is and I just may exhaust myself explaining fractions  while my child contemplates the size of my nose.  I wouldn't want it any other way.  There is a peace in the chaos of everyday life when I am living it out the way God has planned for our family.   Hubby may come home to the occasional frozen supper.  He may  find us still in our jammies while he trips over the array of school books  and world maps sprinkled all over the living room floor.  On those days, he just says "OK kids, looks like we are ordering pizza tonight." 

It is an organized chaos, but we are all together in it.  Learning together.  Growing together.  I'm so grateful that God has given me this opportunity.  Though the task is not easy, it is worth it.   His strength is made perfect in our weakness, and there are LOTS of opportunities in our school day for His strength to shine through.  

On those tough days, I remind myself how fast the years are moving; that they are only children once in their lifetime; and that one day they will be gone and I won't have to explain long division EVER AGAIN-insert a great big HALLELUJAH here.  Those reminders get me through the tough days.  

And I treasure the good days.  The days when I don't allow the stress get to me and I can just enjoy listening to my son read to me and laugh at the story he is reading.  

Even the dog joins in sometimes(though he doesn't look very interested).

It's an adventure, and I have the greatest crew in the world going along with me.

Thanks for reading.

*all cartoons were by Todd Wilson and you can check out his website at