Today I turn 40, the big 4-0. I'd love to impress you with all the cool things I did to usher in a new decade, but I spent the last day of my 30s pretty uneventfully. I cleaned some things around the house, did some laundry, got myself a coffee on my way into work, and spent the afternoon and evening at work-with people MUCH older than 40. Suddenly, 40 didn't seem so old after all. Ahhh, perspective. After work, I came home and said "goodbye" to my 30s. I thought about some things. I thought about a lot of things.
I clearly remember when I was about to turn 30. That was a hard birthday. I knew I was supposed to really be a grown up and have my act together at 30, but I wasn't even anywhere close to having much of anything together. I thought, well maybe I'd have it figured out when I hit 40. Now I'm 40 and the more I learn the less I feel I really know.
But that's OK. At 40 I'm not thinking about how I'm going to figure things out anymore. I don't need to. Figuring things out isn't really working for me. Trusting and believing and staying true to the One who knit me together, planned out every one of my days, and wrote them in a book before I was even born-that's where I need to keep my focus. (Psalm 139:13-16) Even when I don't understand, I just need to keep walking-walking ahead, walking through the pain in the night and walking in the joy that comes in the morning, walking through "goodbyes", walking through endings, walking through new beginnings, walking in the wind and rain and sunshine and warm breezes alike, walking the course that has been set before me, and following the examples of those who are faithful in their walk and those who have been faithful and have finished their course. Just walking faithfully in His plan for my life, no matter what lies ahead.
I am blessed to have others that link their arms with mine and choose to walk with me. God has made us and fashioned us for relationships, with Himself and with each other. I'm grateful for those I call friends(family included). One of my heart-sister friends introduced me, some time ago, to Patty Griffin (one of my favorite artists) She has this song called 10 million miles, that I love love love.
"I must've walked 10 million miles" and I'm sure I have at least as many miles left to walk. And so even when I don't understand my path I must keep walking. When the clouds are blocking the light and I don't know which way this path is leading, when I can only see directly in front of me, I must keep walking. My friends, let us walk on in the path that is set before us. Let's not veer off, even if another way looks better, even if the path we are on is suddenly looking pretty scary, even if we lose people along the way, even if our path is rough and we see pain up ahead, let us stay the course. Because we know that He works ALL things out for our good when we love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28) Even when we may feel alone, let's remember that He has promised to never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
At 40 years old I am so grateful that I have never walked a single mile alone. Thank you to all my friends who have walked with me. I "search for your sweet face" as I walk, for encouragement to keep on keepin' on.
And friends, if I should start to repeat to you the same story I told you yesterday, or start discussing my popping knee joint and sore back, or worse yet, continuously discuss how often my bowels move, all I can say is I'm 40 and walking 10 million miles takes its toll.